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Yemi Yohannas

Yemi Yohannas

Customer Service Assistant

What do you bring to the team?

I’d like to think I bring a calm and collected approach to customer service at Fane and as a spoken word msuician and actress, I am a huge advocate for clear communication! Having experienced both performer and business sides of show business, has equipped me with a holistic understanding of my work and the skills to work well under pressure. 

Your favourite book(s)?

I hate to be that person, but I don't have a favourite book! I find it hard to sit still and read a book as much as I would like to. I was recently gifted a book called 'Parable of the Sower' by Octavia E. Butler, which I'm slowly (but surely) making my way through. It's really well written and presents a lot of ideas that challenge my own, which I love. But in general, if I'm being honest, I prefer reading plays, watching documentaries or listening to podcasts (Diary of a CEO is my favourite). 

Where do you get your inspiration from?

My inspiration comes from anything and everything. I've accepted I will always be a student of life and so I'm excited to learn from the smaller and mundane things, like a conversation with a random old lady in Sainsbury's, who I'll never see again. Vulnerability is a huge part of that, I really appreciate having genuine conversations with authentic people, not so much a fan of small talk but love a good deep conversation.  

I also love to solo travel, just went on my first solo trip to Alicante which was hugely inspiring and gives you a lot of clarity and confidence in yourself. 

As a spoken word artist and writer, I've learnt (and accepted) the hard way how fleeting inspiration can be, so I try my best to live my life and in that it comes back to me. 


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